A Drought Tolerant Sedum and Cordyline Container Planting

This combo was done using two of my favorite plants, Cordyline Australis "Red Star" and "Florida Friendly Gold" Sedum.  Both are incredibly drought tolerant, sun tolerant, shade tolerant, frost tolerant and even hard freeze tolerant, and they provide excellent color and form with their foliage alone!

This was an "on the fly" gift for a cherished coworker who has tons of plants but no longer has the time or energy to water her collection, let alone drag them in during frosts! 

I only used two plants, leaving a spot for her to insert her own addition, maybe a bromeliad, succulent, or some croton to add some height to the composition.  Remember my rain garden with the bed of liriope with cordyline interspersed?  I originally wanted to use the Florida Friendly sedum but was worried about my dog smushing the plants, so I opted for boring liriope.  I can only imagine how a whole bed of the sedum and "red star cordyline would look on a grander scale!

The two components of this arrangement are easy to find at a local Home Depot, brought to you by Riverview Flower Farm's line of Florida Friendly Plants.  Check out their blog too, written by the ever helpful Rick Brown... He's good people!



  1. The container looks terrific ... great pairing! I'm sure your co-worker will love it!

  2. Bernie:
    She does love it! Yay!

    Thanks! Glad to hear from you!

  3. A well thought container or hanging basket can add tons of interest to any garden. Shape, color, material, plus what really matters the plant combination.



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