Our Lavender and Chartreuse Anniversary Arrangement

I came home the other night to find a romantic anniversary dinner complete with a bouquet of chartreuse Fuji mums! If you couldn't already tell by looking at our wedding arrangements, my wife and I are big fans of the color chartreuse. As it turned out, I brought some flowers of my own for our dinner, three cut flowers from a siam tulip (Curcuma) that I bought from the nursery with the express intent of using for an arrangement. I'd like to think that her flowers and my flowers worked quite well together.

The siam tulip flowers seem to float above a swirling sea of green. Don't you ever underestimate the gracefulness of those common florist mums in the right setting. They make a great backdrop for more architectural flowers. It's as if the Fujis are a ground cover and the ginger flowers are accent plants in a miniature landscape.


  1. What a lovely bouquet for your anniversary. It is so wonderful making memories like that, living in the many moments that make up each day. I am loving the color chartreuse more and more.

    Happy Summer Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  2. Wow! what a lovely bouquet for your anniversary celebration. More blessing to your and your wife. Stay lovely together.

    Lisa from video-guitar-lessons-personal-teacher

  3. Steve, that is absolutely gorgeous. You two have the best style.


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