Wordless Wednesday

Why haven't I been doing any Wordless Wednesday posts lately? Beats me. In any case, here are some shots of neglect tolerant plants from my most recent trip to the garden. The Neoregelia bromeliad gets rainfall, but the echeveria and geranium survive in containers on nothing but dew and a watering once every two to three weeks. Who knew that Pelagorniums could be so downright durable?


  1. Great pics, Have to say thats the wordiest wordless post I have seen in ages!

  2. I wish my geranium's in August would look half as good as yours...I wouldn't have to toss them out. In south Florida they get fried.
    Great pictures!

  3. I always wonder if we are supposed to comment on wordless wednesday... because it's words and all. :)

  4. It is amazing what some plants will endure or thrive through! I wouldn't have classed geraniums (pelargoniums) with the others for tolerance, but now I know.

  5. You have some special geraniums is all I've got to say. The broms and succulents are pretty forgiving and seem to bounce back even better. I'm glad your garden is doing well even though a bit neglected. How's Mom?

  6. The raindrops add beauty to the flowers.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Online


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