Orchid Daze: Liquid Landscapes

I can't believe that I neglected to share this with you! You might remember my trip to Atlanta for the Proven Winners Outdoor Living Extravaganza (long name) this March, and my posts about the Fuqua conservatory. Maybe I just forgot to post about the exhibit because I was too distracted by the montane greenhouse and the Proven Winners event. There was a lot going on in such a short period of time! Anyways, here is the Orchid Daze: Liquid Landscapes exhibit in all its glory.

Water was a dominating element in this display, or rather, it was a constant presence. The waterfalls that splashed over the screen of orchids was always easily seen and heard, but never disrupted the view of the orchids. The angular pool of water beneath huge metal pedestals of cymbidiums only served to lighten the visual load, and reflect the sky through the greenhouse's framework above. It was a very soothing experience.

Each year's display is different, so don't expect the next one to resemble the images above. However, you can always expect to be mesmerized. Here's a link to the Atlanta Botanical Garden, should you plan a trip yourself. Oh, and be sure to mark your calender to meet Gayla Trail of You Grow Girl (one of my heroes) on September 21st for a lecture on how to Grow Great Grub!

1 comment:

  1. Generally orchid foods are free from any toxic substances and pesticide. Basically orchid liquid are very useful for us. But orchid foods are limited in our country due to lack of cultivation, inspiration, less profit etc.


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